The organizers would like to thank everyone who supported the Workshop and Summer School. Grateful words are addressed to Partners and Sponsors, their commitment, have graced the program of the meeting.
We would like to thank the Participants who spent the time with us, sharing many interesting ideas and opinions.
Photographic documentation of the Summer School is presented in the Gallery.
The final version of the Program. The entrance to the building is from the inner courtyard, (enter the Campus through the Main Gate).
The number of free places for the Summer School is completed
In order to ensure good conditions of an access to the equipment, the number of available seats has been completed. A reserve list of participants is created from now.
The Organisers invite to joint the Summer School and Workshop on Evaluation and Benchmark of Sensors and Systems in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, which will be held in Warsaw on 16-20.09.2019.
During the Workshop and the Summer School photos will be taken, which will be published (on-line as photo galleries and in reporting materials) as a documentary of the event.